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"As a musician in a popular bluegrass band, my instant tent has served me well on the weekend festival circuit for 6 or 7 years. My tent is fully deployed, as well as a chair to relax in, while others are still wrestling with fiberglass rods! On at least two occasions I have utilized all velcro closures and extra lines against 30 to 35 MPH winds. The instant tent deflected the wind like an igloo while other tents were blowing away. For the kind of tailgate camping that I do I can't recommend a better tent. "

Douglas Downey

"As an older camper I was very pleased with the ease of setting up the four man tent from Apache/ATuffy. The six foot height (6ft 4in) lets me stand up without crouching or bending over and the roominess allows me the opportunity to indulge myself in a large sleeping cot. At the age of 91 I actually feel that the Apache/ATuffy ALX tent, with it's easy set up in this large size, has extended my life as a camper and I am really an enthusiastic and Happy Camper supporter of this great product. On my first attempt to set up my new tent everything worked to perfection and I practiced with the rain fly and the take-down several times with snow on the ground but using a heavy duty tarp as protection. It may sound a bit absurd but it was actually fun doing the set-up and take-down. Now I can really anticipate showing off my new tent to some of my less fortunate camping friends who are still struggling with lesser equipment. "

Dr. Bob Kalsched, Marshfield, Wisconsin

"I purchased my 2-man AL in January and I am VERY impressed. It has served well in several ice- and rock-climbing trips in New York State and extensive hiking in Zion/Kolob and Bryce as well as lots of BLM land in western Utah. Fierce wind and rain don't seem to affect the structure in any way and snow is only barely an issue. Ventilation is ideal. You offer an outstanding product and I recommend your tents to people often. Keep up the great work!"

Joe, Cornwall NY

"Frank, I just wanted to say thank you so very much for getting this tent to me ahead of schedule. I received the tent today and set it up. It went up fairly fast for my first time and I am quite impressed with the size. It is just what I needed. I feel that this is the first tent that states it is a 5 man tent that really is a five man tent. It is tall enough so that we can all change inside without being hunched over and we can even set up the camp table and chairs to play late night poker if the weather turns foul. I am looking forward to camping out this weekend. Thanks again for such wonderful customer service."

Suzanne McClelland, North Babylon, NY

"Man all I have to say is that is the best tent I have ever come across. On a recent camping trip over the labor day weekend, I and a friend went up to northern Arizona - me with the Apache tent and he had a Coleman tent. I was sitting in my chair relaxing and he was still just putting his poles together. Love this tent - anyway that night it rained all night he was up all night because drips where coming in and I slept like a baby. Thanks again for a wonderful product."


"Frank, I received the replacement pole - THANKS! Put everything together today and did some grommet repair work and she's as good as new. I cannot believe how well this tent has stood up. We have used it heavily for 5 years now on the Motorcycle and with the exception of the bent pole and some minor screen repair, this tent has been golden. Thanks again for your great service. We're off to Sturgis on August 2nd. God Bless and Keep You."

Fritz ad Karen

"Frank, I just wanted to say thank you so very much for getting this tent to me ahead of schedule. I received the tent today and set it up. It went up fairly fast for my first time and I am quite impressed with the size. It is just what I needed. I feel that this is the first tent that states it is "5" man tent that really is a five man tent. It is tall enough so that we can all change inside without being hunched over and we can even set up the camp table and chairs to play late night poker if the weather turns foul. I am looking forward to camping out this weekend. Thanks again for such wonderful customer service. "


"I purchased my 2-man AL in January and I am VERY impressed. It has served well in several ice- and rock-climbing trips in New York State and extensive hiking in Zion, Kolob and Bryce as well as lots of BLM land in western Utah. Fierce wind and rain don't seem to affect the structure in any way and snow is only barely an issue. Ventilation is ideal. You offer an outstanding product and I recommend your tents to people often. Keep up the great work!"

Joe, Cornwall NY

"Frank, I found no problems with the tent. Set up and take down are a breeze. I am more than satisfied with my purchase. Thanks for your prompt response and honesty, and thanks for a great product, I will highly recommend it."


"The loaner 3-Man ATuffy tent worked great on my trip to the Okefenokee. We were camping on platforms so the fact that the tent was free standing was essential. I really liked the size of the 3-Man tent for the two of us that shared it. In fact, I like it so much that I have decided to order one in addition to our 4-Man Tent that is on back-order."


"Hi Frank – Thank you for repairing my broken tent pole. I received it yesterday and installed today after church. Now I’m ready to return to the Buffalo River in 2 weeks. I sure hope we don’t have another episode of 60 mph winds!"


"We took the tent camping this weekend. I was able to get the 5-Man Tent up with no problems. In spite of my small size, I put it up and took it down with ease. Thank you for making it easy to go camping. Best regards."


"Having used your 5 man tent (especially with broken ribs and a torn tendon in my elbow) I was amazed how easy it went up and down. I did need some help, but mostly I was able to do it myself. If the 5 man tent was that easy, and I know how easy the 3 man tent was to put up and take down, though it never saw a camp site, I know the 4 man tents will be the perfect fit for most of my trips. Have a great Christmas, and thank you again for working with me to get these tents."


"I totally adore this tent! I've avoided camping my whole life just because trying to put up tents usually make me cry - I'm just not good at figuring out how all those things go together. (That's okay, I have other talents, ::wink::) I've put this instant tent three times so far and nary a tear! It's up and ready to go in less that two minutes and that includes laying out the tarp. I can't believe it. Thank you so much!"

Tonya Bowman

"I wanted to send you a brief report on how pleased I have been with the performance of my 3-Man tent. I used the tent on a recent motorcycle trip, and could not be happier with it. True to your promotional materials, it is a snap to set up and take down. Moreover, the weather on my journey was very unstable, and while staying at the Terre Haute, Indiana, KOA, several severe thunderstorms ripped through the area overnight. The rain teemed down, pounding incessantly against the fly, but I remained dry and comfortable despite Mother Nature’s best efforts. In the morning, my motorcycle was parked in about ½ inch of water. Fortunately, I had the tent set up on slightly higher ground, so standing water was not an issue. Your tents are brilliantly engineered and very solidly constructed. Thanks again,"


"I purchased a 4 man ALX and used it for the first time on a beach camping trip. The weather was overcast with heavy winds gusting to 45mph. My brother who was the coordinator of this trip decided to pitch camp on the waters edge just above the high water mark. I was concerned since I lived at he beach for many years and knew about storm surge. Everyone on the trip laughed at me and started to pitch their tents. I gave in to the group and pulled out the Apache. I was up in a matter of moments. The group was impressed and asked a lot of questions about the Apache. I gave them the sales pitch and told them I would send them the web site. As I stated earlier, having some beach experience, I brought along some 15 inch sand anchors. These are screw in tent pegs. I anchored the four corners and the 4 guide lines. I also anchored the vestibule on the upwind side of the tent. I went to bed about 11 pm and was awaken by the group yelling and running around outside. Because of the storm, the high tide was washing over our camp site. I slipped on my boots and stepped out of the tent just as a wave of water washed under and all around the Apache. No water entered the tent. I quickly removed the four guideline stakes and the four corner stakes, pulled the whole tent about 30 feet higher onto the beach and re-staked the tent to the sand. The whole move took about 10 minutes. My brother and friends were still resetting up their tents long after I went back to sleep. At about 1 am the sky opened up and it rained hard for the rest of the morning. The wind continued to gust all night. In the morning, I found my brother and the other two friends sleeping in the cab of the two trucks we drove to the beach. I laughed as I found their tents piled in the back of the trucks. They gave up trying to reset their tents. The decision was made to leave the beach before the storm started again and I was extremely happy with the ease in which the Apache came down and packed away. I plan to purchase the 2 man tent for use when backpacking later this summer. Thanks again for the great product."


"Thank you for your prompt action in taking care of my ordering mistake! It shows me that you are a business who really take care of their customers. I'm looking forward to my tent very much! I give you Five Stars for Service!!!"


"Just to report back that we have received the tent - my wife just called to my office, excited that she managed to set it up within 2 minutes - straight from the box with no training! Many thanks, and looking forward to the holidays."


"Just thought that I would drop a line. Got a lot of use out of my instant tent this August. We motorcycled through New York in the power outage and heavy rains. Our destination was anywhere out of it. During our ordeal of Mother Nature our Apache instant tent was a life saver. At various KOA's that we stopped at fellow campers would look at the poor motorcyclists and look again in disbelief of how fast our tent went up. Your advertisement was correct. We could set the Apache tent up and take it down without soaking our gear. We would watch from inside our Apache tent at our fellow campers struggling with complicated family tents in the pouring rain and power outage darkness. It appears that most of the family would retreat to the protection of the family vehicle while a lone task assuming individual would suffer in the cold, dark, rain soaked campsite. After a time a spouse would step out of the vehicle with some very sad looking children to finish up the construction as the end was in sight. This I believe was to garnish a foothold in the near future finger pointing that would follow before all fell to sleep exhausted and soaked. Yes indeed we had it pretty good in comparison. The night before we left the news told of the power outage. I went out and purchased a small electrical inverter and mounted it on the motorcycle. We loaded up a "Coleman" air mattress and our Apache instant tent along with our riding gear. Our inverter came in handy for camp lighting and cell phone charging and in one instant we were also able to use it to power up a fuel pump to get fuel. I fielded a lot of questions about our Apache instant tent this trip. I wonder if I made some sales for you? Oh, by the way. The double entrance doors/windows is the best! My wife and I are always climbing over each other to get in or out of our old tent. Now with two ways in she can take her time and I can get out of the rain and in without bickering. This is also good for those midnight gotta go's. Thanks for a very good product."

Dan N.

"I received my new tent yesterday and I have put it up and taken it down 4 times. I wouldn't have believed how easy this could be. What a great product. This cleverly engineered, light weight, good looking, sturdy tent is exactly what I need. I ride and pack mules and at the end of the day after unloading the animals I have the tent to set up and dinner to cook. Setting up the tent will no longer take up my time when both myself and the animals are hungry too. I can set it up, throw my bedding inside and start cooking in a few minutes, not a half hour or more. Finally, a tent "bag" that is oversized and easy to place the tent back in and the extra little bungee straps keep it snug. The directions are easy to follow and after i put the tent up the second time, I was doing it in less than a minute. No more poles to snap together. No more tangled up tent. If you can operate a regular umbrella, you can put up this tent. I'm 4'-10" and I find this tent to be the easiest tent I have ever used and I have used several over the years. I'm also going to pack the information pamphlet in the tent to take along with me, because I know others will want to know how they can get an Apache Tent of their own, when they see mine. Thanks again for such a wonderful product."

Sherrie from Washington

"We just returned from a duck hunting trip and wanted to tell you how great your tent is. I have the 4 man, ALX model. One night while sleeping, a storm blew in and leveled my screen room that was being used as a kitchen area for the camp, but I never knew what was happening until one of my companions came over to my tent and yelled loud enough to wake me and tell me that the screen room was being torn down by wind gusts! Lots of wind and rain. My tent remained comfortable and dry as a bone. No pole flexing or wind buffeting of the fly due to your Velcro fittings on the poles and guy out points. Great design, great product! I love your carry bag. First time I was ever able to get a tent back into it's bag, even after taking the tent down in the wind and not being able to get it folded correctly. Remember, this was my first time out with the tent, and the wind wanted to take it everywhere. It still went in the bag with the fly and stakes! Got home. Took it out. Put it up to dry, and then folded just like your video. Thanks again for what I consider to be a superior tent. Now, if you'll just make a screen room like your tents, I'll be allowed to sleep once the wind kicks up."

Gene W.

"I am sure you have grown accustomed to accolades for your instant tent, when what you really deserve is a thorough reprimand. You have replaced the great outdoor Spartan life with comfort and ease. Now when I was a child, I carried heavy canvas on a wooden "Trapper Nelson" pack frame. But with your new-fangled Apache tent, the skill of cutting down saplings for tent poles is being lost. No, your tent comes with lightweight poles already in place that all but straighten themselves. Why, the simplicity of your tent allows a mere child to erect it in minutes, (and without taking proper instruction from his elders!) And with that vestibule of yours, even the pooch can now come in out of the rain instead of toughing the elements like the hardy dogs of yore. You have even removed the final challenge of repacking the tent. Those ample bags of yours allow just about anyone to stow the tent parts without knowledge of abstruse geometry or arcane reverse engineering. My husband revels in its special features, and the dog loves it as well. What is this world coming to?"

E. Robinson

Having purchased an Apache Tent nearly 9 years ago, I stumbled upon your website again whilst looking for some camping gear. Having been so pleased with the Starlight Tent or A Tuffy 2 man touring tent I felt that it was appropriate to let you know how pleased I am with the tent. I am from the United Kingdom, and at the time that I ordered the tent I did pay more money to import the tent which you imported by BAX Global, however, it is probably the best spent money I have paid for a tent.


I have continually used the tent and on occasion used a tent sealer on the seams of the tent to maintain flysheet.

Over the time I have used this tent, the amount of campers who have asked about the tent and where it was from is definitely countless. In the UK touring with a tent is very popular and there are so many camp sites within a short distance of one another that when I have turned up to a site to erect my tent, many of the other campers look on in disbelief as to the time it takes to set the tent up. I have mastered the whole set up and taking down to perfection. This always brings up a stir with the other campers.


I am a tad surprised that I have never seen another person with an Apache Tent in the UK yet. I look forward to using your tent again over this summer and would like to thank you for this super tent design. It surpasses my expectations and the Mrs too.


Kind regards



Yorkshire, England

I've been using a three man ALX for years. It's solid and stays put in bad weather.  I just got hitched, so now I need a larger ALX.  Thanks again and have a great fall season.

Thank you Frank


Hi,  I recently visited with these comments:
I used my 4-man tent this past week, the first night 60-70 mph winds, heavy rain. My tent was the only one standing (no damage) after the storm, everyone else had damage on their tent or it was on the ground. Thanks,


Not long on words, I don't see how you stay in business making tents that last almost forever.  I have the Apache/Atuffy, 2 and 3 man tent, purchased in 2006.  I camp about 20-30 times a year and it still withstands storms better than the newer tents.  "Bomb-Proof" is what they are.  I thought I wanted a new tent because I have had these for a while, but I have seen the new ones and they don't hold a candle to my "ATuffy".  So if this thing ever wears out, I'll be getting another just like it.  I am not delicate with my gear, 27 years in the military taught me to only take with me what I really need and trust, and I only trust what I have used and built faith in because it goes above and beyond and it's still standing.  I trust my "ATuffy."

Thanks for a great product.


Thanks Frank! I am sorry I haven't replied before now; I was trying to decide whether or not I still wanted the Vestibule, since I desperately need to upgrade the size of my tent- but I might as well get it, since you were able to find one!

I also wanted to let you know that the tent was AMAZING through its hardest 'test of the elements' yet. Our week at the Outer Banks this year was great for fishing- not so great for weather! We had two MAJOR rainstorms with extremely high winds, and my little Apache held up better than my dad's $900 tent with a woodstove inside it!  We pitched it 'by the book', knowing the weather would get rough during the week, and to tie the rain fly down we tied pieces of wood to the four guy lines and buried them pretty deep. We also used my dad's super-heavy-duty, long spikes that are better for sand.  While it was a little 'unsettling' being in the dunes with such high winds and rain - feeling like we might blow away at any minute - our little tent held up like you could not imagine! I can't wait until I have the money to get your biggest tent... one of these days!

Anyway, it was so nice talking with you a while back. I really enjoyed hearing your 'start-up story'. I wish you all the best, and will be back in touch when I'm able to upgrade!

Thanks and best wishes!


Hello Frank, You and I have had some talks on the phone a few years ago when I first bought the tent. Your product is fabulous. I even convinced my brother and a few of his friends to buy one.  They love the tent too.   I'll be back later in the year or first part of next year to get the 5 man.  Thanks for being so creative.

Best Regards,



I wanted to say that you've made an outstanding product. My son and I are quite happy with the tent and some of the other Scouts were impressed by the speed of set up.

Thanks,  J.Pittman

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