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NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art...Major sight on Native American Material Culture and resources. List manufacturers, people, places, and papers.
The Native American Art Studies Association (NAASA)
Braintan.com_ Natural Tanning and Leather Resources Huge sight on brain tanning with several pages dedicated to tanning methods. Pictures of work from several artists.
Pow Wow Dancing Paul Gowder sight with disscusion board on Native American issues, crafts, and dances.
Written Heritage Books _ Videos _ Clothing Patterns _ Whispering Wind Magazine.
Whirlwind Site....Horse Gear...he makes great Native American Material....I have some.
www.whisperingwind.com ....Major Native American Culture and Crafts magazine. Many articles of clothing, tipis, drums, historical information as well as social. A must for the interested.
www.dragonflystudio.org...specialize in quillwork, beadwork and other techniques of Indian art. We make replicas of Native American art of the Central Plains, Northern Plains and Upper Missouri Regions, circa 1820 to 1880. We create pieces for daily use for tipi living.
CROW STYLE BEADWORK STUDIO...We are studio spe t for production of replicas of Crow Indians beadwork artifacts. But of course we make replicas of Plateau style and the others too.
http://anthro.amnh.org/....Click on North America and it will take you to the search engine.
Mountain Men E-mail Discussion List for those who like to discuss the 1840 fur trade. Not for everyone. Very historical in information and talk. Though they do have a good time on occasion.
http://www.muzzleloadingforum.com... nice group of people who like to talk about...what else-Muzzleloading, camping, equipment, and building of these materials. Also can be funny as hell.
Matoska Trading Co. Matoska Trading Company ...supplies and good books. They like to talk too.
www.crazycrow.com....major supplier of materials and books.
http://www.ancientartways.com/..Nancy Fonicello quill work.
The Photography Collection....Denver
http://content.lib.washington.edu/aipnw/search.html University of Washington Libraries-wonderful digital materials on Native Culture...and tipis.
Warriors Plus Mike Terry's site from the early 1800s to late 1800s Native American life.
http://www.secrestpaintedhides.com Lee Secrest makes the best painted hides in the old tradition of hide paints and glues. I own one of his painted elk hides and intend to be buried in the robe. It's mine, I paid for it piece by piece.
Hair Pipes in Plains Indian Adornment_ by John C. Ewers
Cathy A. Smith ->-> Your Western Adventure Begins Here
www.supernaw.com......For 10/0 to 14/0 Charlots and Czech beads. Great Silverwork. Great Guy.
Morning Star Gallery they sell the old stuff and have nice pictures.
http://www.historicalrarities.com/...Historical Rarities for old and new items.
http://www.curtis-collection.com/tribe data/volume gallery/volume18d.html.......Curtis Collection
Peabody Museum-LEWIS AND CLARK
http://www.muzzleloadermag.com/...Great magazine for those interested in Black Powder and primitive camping.
The World Wide Web Virtual Library_ Museums
Native American Indian Artifacts and Historic Collectibles from Sherwoods Spirit of America
http://php.indiana.edu/~tkavanag/asoule.html...Architecture of a Comanche Indian village.
http://www.geocities.com/wipata/contactus.html......Quill work page by Chris Ravenshead...list other quill workers and sites.
Northern Plains Quillwork by Ravenshead Tiwahe Ravenshead home page.
Welcome to Eholee-Opal Designs http://www.CraftsmanDesigns.Com/ Great Sashes of the time period, each one individually finger woven
Oneida Indian Nation - Culture & History - Bead Work
Native American Indian Artifacts and Historic Collectibles from Sherwoods Spirit of America
Andy and Kathy Miller's Backrests and Tipi Accessories: HC66-Hwy Rt. #43, Dewey Via, Divide, Mt. 59727 (406)832-3195 Rawhide and interior tipi material.
Wool Trade Cloth in the Collection of NMAI
ANPO RANCH am an Ojibway Lady and my company produces old time native American/Canadian tanned hides.
http://www.siris.si.edu/ Siris....Smithsonian Institution Research Information site...and it is a good one. You can go to many images on the site.
Indian Peoples of the Northern Great Plains
http://www.geocities.com/wanaunsapi_tiyospaye/index.html Wanaunsapi Tiyospaye ta " Buffalo days "Lakota Indian Tipi Camp
Women of the fur trade The purpose of this society is to encourage research, learning, teaching and the preservation of the history and skills of the women of the fur trade era. Emphases are placed on women who were married to or associated with the mountaineer trapper. At last, these silent voices of women from the wilderness will be heard by the general public!